The Defactor Postman Collection comprises a suite of pre-configured API requests designed for seamless integration into the Postman application, facilitating access to the services offered by the Defactor API.
Security Details
To secure the API access control, all requests are made through Hasura which provides secure GraphQL, and RESTful endpoints restricted by a role-based authorization system.
Those endpoints that return public data do not require authentication for use. Query type requests are opened under the guest
role, while mutation type needs a token with user
For those that can modify data the API expects a valid authorization header containing a bearer token. These tokens are implemented as JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) issued by the server.
The security of the JWT is because it is signed by a secret key and has a configurable expiration time, which by default is 240 minutes.
Upon receiving a request, Hasura decodes and validates the JWT, which contains user account data, and their corresponding role. If the role lacks the necessary permissions or the token is invalid, expired or missing, the request is promptly rejected.
Get wallet assets
Fetches all assets and their information of a given user address.
HTTP Request Method: GET
Roles: User
Request URL: {{BASE_RESTFUL_URL}}/v1/my-wallet-assets
Request Body
"userAddress": "0xa8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d5"
Upon successful completion of a request, the server will issue a status code of 200. Successful response should look like this:
"myWalletAssets": [
"id": "9839c4b5...",
"amount": "300000000000000000000000",
"price": "0.001",
"name": "Asset 1",
"chain_id": 1,
"ticker": "AS1",
"asset_type": "erc20",
"asset_category": "realEstate",
"asset_icon": "icon.png"
Get user's transactions
Fetches all transactions of a specific asset that a given user has created within the app.
HTTP Request Method: GET
Roles: User
Request URL: {{BASE_RESTFUL_URL}}/v1/get-user-transactions
Request Body
"sender": "0xa8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d5",
"asset_id": "b12f4b60-91c7-4d8e-b7db-c76fd4c8b2f6"
Upon successful completion of a request, the server will issue a status code of 200. Successful response should look like this:
"global_transaction": [
"id": "bc0fb597...",
"chain": 11155111,
"asset_id": "9839c4b5...",
"hash": null,
"mined_at": "2024-09-04T08:07:27.490199+00:00",
"receiver": "0xa8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d5",
"state": "failed",
"type": "deploy",
"value": "0"
Get contact name
Fetches the contact name of a wallet address for a specific creator.
HTTP Request Method: GET
Roles: User
Request URL: {{BASE_RESTFUL_URL}}/v1/get-contact-name
Request Body
"creator": "0xa8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d5",
"wallet": "0xb8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d1"
Upon successful completion of a request, the server will issue a status code of 200. Successful response should look like this:
"global_contact": [
"name": "John"
Get token balance
Fetches the balance for a specific token from the blockchain.
HTTP Request Method: GET
Roles: User
Request URL: {{BASE_RESTFUL_URL}}/v1/get-token-balance
Request Body
"chainId": 1,
"owner": "0xb8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d1",
"token": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
Upon successful completion of a request, the server will issue a status code of 200. Successful response should look like this:
"tokenBalance": {
"balance": "5238581881319468928"
Update transaction hash
Updates hash of a transaction object.
HTTP Request Method: POST
Roles: User
Request URL: {{BASE_RESTFUL_URL}}/v1/update-transaction-hash
Request Body
"hash": "0xf671...",
"id": "e4902bb0..."
Upon successful completion of a request, the server will issue a status code of 200. Successful response should look like this:
"updateTransactionHash": true
Process webhook notification
Process transaction finality upon receiving webhook notification from Alchemy.
HTTP Request Method: POST
Roles: User
Request URL: {{BASE_RESTFUL_URL}}/v1/post-webhook-notification
Request Body
Request body depends on the transaction and as such may have different structures. For more information, check the Alchemy documentation.
Upon successful completion of a request, the server will issue a status code of 200. Successful response should look like this:
"processWebhookNotification": {
"success": true
After sending transaction processing
Set the correct states in the db after broadcasting transaction via the frontend.
HTTP Request Method: POST
Roles: User
Request URL: {{BASE_RESTFUL_URL}}/v1/send-transaction
Request Body
"chainId": 1,
"sender": "0xb8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d1",
"value": "10000000000000000",
"type": "transaction",
"assetId": "eb60b6d7...",
"receiver": "0x18983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d2"
Upon successful completion of a request, the server will issue a status code of 200. Successful response should look like this:
"sendTransaction": {
"insert_global_transaction": {
"returning": [
"id": "6d325474..."
Build create ERC3643 token transaction
Creates a transaction for creating user's ERC3643 tokens.
HTTP Request Method: POST
Roles: User
Request URL: {{BASE_RESTFUL_URL}}/v1/create-erc3643
Request Body
"creator": "0xb8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d1",
"name": "My token 1",
"symbol": "TT1",
"decimals": 18,
"supply": "100000000000000000000000000",
"static_data": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
"contractAddress": "0x18983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d2",
"chainId": 1
Upon successful completion of a request, the server will issue a status code of 200. Successful response should look like this:
"createERC3643Token": {
"data": "0xae...",
"to": "0x18983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d2",
"from": "0xb8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d1"
Build create ERC20 token transaction
Creates a transaction for creating user's ERC20 tokens.
HTTP Request Method: POST
Roles: User
Request URL: {{BASE_RESTFUL_URL}}/v1/create-erc20
Request Body
"creator": "0xb8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d1",
"name": "My token 1",
"symbol": "TT1",
"decimals": 18,
"supply": "100000000000000000000000000",
"static_data": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
"contractAddress": "0x18983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d2",
"chainId": 1
Upon successful completion of a request, the server will issue a status code of 200. Successful response should look like this:
"createERC20Token": {
"data": "0xae...",
"to": "0x18983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d2",
"from": "0xb8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d1"
Build burn ERC3643 token transaction
Creates a transaction for burning user's ERC3643 tokens.
Note: Only contract owner can burn user's tokens.
HTTP Request Method: POST
Roles: User
Request URL: {{BASE_RESTFUL_URL}}/v1/burn-erc3643-tokens
Request Body
"from": "0xb8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d1",
"amount": "100000000000000000000",
"contractAddress": "0x18983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d2",
"chainId": 1
Upon successful completion of a request, the server will issue a status code of 200. Successful response should look like this:
"burnERC3643": {
"data": "0x9dc29fac...",
"to": "0xb8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d1",
"from": "0x18983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d2"
Build burn ERC20 token transaction
Creates a transaction for burning user's ERC20 tokens.
Note: Only contract owner can burn user's tokens.
HTTP Request Method: POST
Roles: User
Request URL: {{BASE_RESTFUL_URL}}/v1/burn-erc20-tokens
Request Body
"from": "0xb8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d1",
"amount": "100000000000000000000",
"contractAddress": "0x18983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d2",
"chainId": 1
Upon successful completion of a request, the server will issue a status code of 200. Successful response should look like this:
"burnERC20": {
"data": "0x9dc29fac...",
"to": "0xb8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d1",
"from": "0x18983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d2"
Build transfer transaction
Creates a transaction for burning user's ERC20 tokens.
Note: Only contract owner can burn user's tokens.
HTTP Request Method: POST
Roles: User
Request URL: {{BASE_RESTFUL_URL}}/v1/build-transfer-transaction
Request Body
"to": "0xb8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d1",
"from": "0x18983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d2",
"amount": "100000000000000000000",
"contractAddress": "0xb8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d1",
"chainId": 1
Upon successful completion of a request, the server will issue a status code of 200. Successful response should look like this:
"transferToken": {
"data": "0xa9059cbb...",
"to": "0xb8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d1",
"from": "0x18983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d2"
Check wallet identity
Checks if wallet identity contract is already deployed for a given user.
HTTP Request Method: POST
Roles: User
Request URL: {{BASE_RESTFUL_URL}}/v1/check-wallet-identity
Request Body
"walletAddress": "0xb8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d1",
"chainId": 1
Upon successful completion of a request, the server will issue a status code of 200. Successful response should look like this:
"checkWalletIdentity": false
Check token identity
Checks if token already has identity contract associated with it.
HTTP Request Method: POST
Roles: User
Request URL: {{BASE_RESTFUL_URL}}/v1/check-identity-for-token
Request Body
"walletAddress": "0xb8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d1",
"tokenContract": "0xe2cEEfA9b6301280D785652C62cfbcf4d0B48283",
"chainId": 1
Upon successful completion of a request, the server will issue a status code of 200. Successful response should look like this:
"checkIdentityForToken": true
Deploy token identity
Deploys new identity contract for the user.
HTTP Request Method: POST
Roles: User
Request URL: {{BASE_RESTFUL_URL}}/v1/deploy-identity
Request Body
"walletAddress": "0xb8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d1",
"chainId": 1
Upon successful completion of a request, the server will issue a status code of 200. Successful response should look like this:
"deployIdentity": {
"data": "0x3e8e6e8b0...",
"to": "0xe2cEEfA9b6301280D785652C62cfbcf4d0B48283",
"from": "0xb8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d1"
Register identity
Registers the new identity contract in the protocol.
HTTP Request Method: POST
Roles: User
Request URL: {{BASE_RESTFUL_URL}}/v1/register-identity
Request Body
"creator": "0xb8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d1",
"tokenAddress": "0xe2cEEfA9b6301280D785652C62cfbcf4d0B48283",
"walletAddress": "0xb8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d1",
"chainId": 1
Upon successful completion of a request, the server will issue a status code of 200. Successful response should look like this:
"registerIdentity": {
"data": "0x454a03e...",
"to": "0xe2cEEfA9b6301280D785652C62cfbcf4d0B48283",
"from": "0xb8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d1"
Build mint ERC3643 token transaction
Creates a transaction for burning user's ERC3643 tokens.
HTTP Request Method: POST
Roles: User
Request URL: {{BASE_RESTFUL_URL}}/v1/register-identity
Request Body
"creator": "0xb8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d1",
"tokenAddress": "0xe2cEEfA9b6301280D785652C62cfbcf4d0B48283",
"walletAddress": "0xb8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d1",
"chainId": 1
Upon successful completion of a request, the server will issue a status code of 200. Successful response should look like this:
"registerIdentity": {
"data": "0x454a03e...",
"to": "0xe2cEEfA9b6301280D785652C62cfbcf4d0B48283",
"from": "0xb8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d1"